Scelidosaurus was a herbivore. It lived in the Jurassic period and inhabited Europe and North America. Its fossils have been found in places such as Tibet (China).

Quick facts about Scelidosaurus:

  • Existed from 208.5 million years ago to Lower Jurassic Epoch
  • Lived in a terrestrial habitat
  • Was a herbivore
  • Reproduced by laying eggs
  • 7 different specimens have been found by paleontologists

All the Scelidosaurus illustrations below were collected from the internet. Enjoy and explore:

Scelidosaurus was described by the following scientific paper(s):
  • P. Ensom. 1987. Scelidosaur remains from the Lower Lias of Dorset. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society 108:203-205
  • X. Zhao. 1985. [The Jurassic Reptilia]. In S.-e. Wang, Z. Cheng & N. Wang (eds.), [The Jurassic System of China. Stratigraphy of China, No. 11]
  • D. Naish and D. M. Martill. 2007. Dinosaurs of Great Britain and the role of the Geological Society of London in their discovery: basal Dinosauria and Saurischia. Journal of the Geological Society, London 164:493-510